
Enter the Sacred Heart

It may sound a bit corny, however, it is my inspiration for the year. In my recent studies on consciousness and meditation, I've learned that being able to understand and access our hearts rather than our minds will bring us into harmony with the earth. So what I'm saying is that most Western people have been creating, designing, living, disciplining our children, ruling and managing people with this right brain mentality for hundreds of years. Well you can see where that has gone.

We've shoved genius' aside such as Nikolai Tesla who discovered transmitable wireless energy at no cost, other than cost for the machines and I suppose some maintenance.  Or we've just killed those who stood for a higher consciousness, MLK, JFK, and the like. No judgement though - things have had to go this way and we are blessed for the contrast of life experiences. This year things will change dramatically towards another perspective. You can call it left brain- emotional - or really it's from the sacred place of the heart.

So getting back to the heart... This year I've agreed to open my heart and give and receive love more than ever before.  I've begun to do some heart opening meditations and concentrating my yoga practice on heart opening postrures like Camel and Bridge pose. 

So those of you that have taken time out of your life to read this ---> Join me! Join all beings as we open our heart to one another. Share with me please what you are doing this year to open your heart more than ever before. Share with everyone you can. You must realize that by sharing it increases the power and influence of whatever you are creating.
Love and happiness to all!

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