
First Blog on ascension

So today I just finished reading Drunvalo Malchezedek's book The Serpent of Light. Reading this book felt very interactive. It was a journey I felt part of. Not really physically but more of a mental/ emotional expereince. If you haven't read it and are into planetary ascension at all you should probobly get your hands on a copy. Drunvalo has been a key character in establishing the grid around Earth as it ascends into 4th dimensional consciousness.

His website: www.spiritofmaat.com

I found Drunvalo through my investigation of the Flower of Life the key to all sacred geometry.

Begin you own investigation here:

I've also taken a Merkaba Meditation workshop through the Flower of Life organization. A richly rewarding experience.

As I experience my own transitional periods I now look into my heart to forgive myself for putting myself into a compromising situation regarding an investment of a large sum of money. I know that the money itself doesn't matter as much as me forgiving myself and summoning the courage it takes to treat myself with dignity and my business partners with love.

I do understand that all is one and that my experience of the world is just a manifestation of my mind. Therefore, it is not my business partners who are oppressing me. Rather I have a past karma that I need to forgiver myself for. What that is I'm not so clear of at this moment but I don't think it matters.

This forgiveness brings me back to my experience reading The Serpent of Light. My intuition tells me that this experience will further open my heart chakra and release me from a past karma. My excitement is matched with nervous energy.

My next book that I'm being called to read is another of Malchezedeks called Living in the Heart.

About the Heart Chakra:

Heart is the 4th Chakra. Very important as we ascend into 4th dimensional consciousness. I know I've read more on the importance but I have nothinng further.

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