
Taurus New Moon: April 24, 2009 by Barbara Hand-Clow

Taurus New Moon: April 24, 2009
Barbara Hand-Clow
The Taurus New Moon has arrived, which is our annual attunement with love,
Nature, and beauty. Never can I remember being so grateful for the arrival of
love and bucolic pleasure; this has been such an intense winter. Day Six of the
Galactic Underworld-November 12, 2008, until November 7, 2009-is turning out
to be very intense. Maybe this is because it involves such radical change, which
is forcing our species to create peace on the planet and among ourselves. [See
The Mayan Code: Time Acceleration and Awakening the World Mind.] And now
we are coming up to the midpoint of Day Six on May 11, which Carl Calleman
calls the "Rebirth Celebration." [Visit www.Calleman.com.]

The astrological patterns are in total agreement with what this remarkable
biologist says is going to happen. In synchronicity with Calleman, the triple
conjunction of Jupiter/Chiron/Neptune in 26 Aquarius, the "Triple Conjunction,"
intensifies throughout this lunation, and then it culminates during the New Moon
in Gemini May 24; it inspires expansion of spiritual healing. Earth's quarantine
from the rest of the universe is lifting, and we are on schedule to be welcomed
back into communion with the universe. [See Exopolitics by Alfred Lambrement
Webre, and The Mayan Code.] Our movement out of separation from our home,
the cosmos, is going to happen no matter what, so the only choice we each have
is to heal ourselves to participate consciously in our cosmic birth.

During Moon-conjunct-Sun in Taurus this year, astrology shows that we are on
the edge of a monumental spiritual awakening that nothing can stop. Just before
the New Moon, on April 21 the Moon aligned with Venus conjunct Mars in 29
Pisces; this beautiful sight heralded a mystical awakening, especially for Islamic
people. The rare Triple Conjunction, Jupiter/Chiron/Neptune in Aquarius-now and
during 2010, with Neptune and Chiron close 2007-2013-strikes a balance
between dark and light that will trigger spiritual breakthroughs or breakdowns in
each person. Being truthful about ourselves is the only way to avoid breakdownthe
total collapse of the individual amidst the powers of rising spiritual
transmutation-so, during this whole lunation, we all must work on major personal

These transits of Venus and Mars challenge us to review our relationships with
partners, siblings, children, parents, and our communities. What has been going
on in these areas of your life since March 3? Within these core experiences, you
can discover comfort with yourself-your key inner partner in life. Have you been
wondering why you are so uncomfortable? Well, since March 3, the planets of
love and war have been challenging everyone. Venus went retrograde in Aries
on March 3, and Mars has been in Pisces from March 17 through April 22; then
Mars blasted into Aries on April 22. Most people have been going through deep
personal shakeups, so what has been going on in your personal realms?

In the larger collective-specifically, finance and politics-the Mars/Venus transits
are forcing unresolved conflict to rise to the surface. For example, during the
night of April 21-22, the Chief Financial Officer of Freddie Mac, David
Kellermann, died by hanging in his home. He is a sad casualty of the subprimemortgage
crisis, and he is also probably the canary who died of toxic fumes in
the cave. The international tension over the State of Israel became very intense
April 21-22 when President Ahmadinejad of Iran and a conference of Islamic
prosecutors demanded indictments for Israeli crimes against humanity in Gaza.
At the same time, President Obama pressed for the investigation of government
lawyers who supported harsh CIA terrorist interrogations during the Bush/Cheney
regime. Also, a scandal over National Security Agency favoritism of pro-Israel
Congressional lobbyists was brewing. I mention these events because The
Mayan Code argues that war will not end until the US runs out of money, and
that peace must come first to the Middle East. These are signs that the
necessary balances are formulating, and the action will pick up greatly when
Saturn goes direct on May 16, just after the Day Six midpoint.

The cosmic dance in the sky during the end of the Mayan Calendar is just
astonishing to me. Transits are triggering all of the personal changes we each
need to make in order to accomplish the critical leap in human evolution. People
are losing or gaining money, getting caught committing crimes, and/or being
called to the carpet in marriages, with their children and parents, and in
community. This awakening will build and build during the Taurus lunation as it
rebirths each one of us under the potency of the Triple Conjunction, which
spreads out over seven years. This experience will be personally enlightening,
and as a nation that opted for global empire, the United States is about to face its
own delusions as well as its spiritual potential; the Triple Conjunction falls right
on the 1776 USA Moon in Aquarius.

We each need to assess the feelings we've been having during the recent
Venus/Mars transits before these feelings explode during the Taurus New Moon
and throughout this lunar cycle. In last month's reading for the Aries New Moon, I
noted that Venus retrograde in Aries from March 3 to April 17 (SD at 29 Pisces)
would force you to assess relationships, values, and material needs. This is what
always happens during retrograde Venus. However, this Venus retrograde was in
Aries, which made most people feel dissatisfied, needy, aggressive, and wanting;
the worst has been coming out in many people. The number of mass killings and
ugly murders, for example, has been appalling. So, if you've been a bitch or an
ogre, forgive yourself; these transits are forcing even very highly evolved
individuals to doubt themselves, as our egos need to go away now.

We are looking at our shadows that create violence in the collective and financial
loss in our communities. Now that most have less, and as tanks roll, planes fly,
and billions are spent on "security," the great turning against war is building in the
world. In the spring equinox reading, I noted that the Venus retrograde would
somehow threaten the Elite's plan to waste priceless resources in dubious wars.
Now, we see signs of Venus's subtle approach: President Kharzai of Afghanistan
passed a law that wipes away most women's rights. This outrageous patriarchal
move is causing countries fighting there (like Canada) to wonder why they are
sacrificing their young for this cause. Women's movements are networking to
assist Afghani women's movements directly, which circumvents Kharzai and the

We are being challenged to choose love over discord by breaking up or
transforming relationships that are just not loving enough, strong enough, or
creative enough to survive in the coming new world. The time has arrived to take
deep relationships to a new place or push them out of existence. Mars was in
Pisces March 17 to April 22, and when Mars is in Pisces, most people lack the
motivation to change anything. The normal martial tendency to fix things, which I
sometimes think is a patriarchal imbalance, just isn't there, and many were
unable to carry on as usual. Consider the possibility that you are deluded by
believing that you must do this or that. The big shift back to reactive behavior
arrives when Mars goes into Aries on April 22, so you might want to assess your
urges and actions.

The truth dragon will look back to face you now, and I wonder about the future of
Freddie Mac, which is totally backed by the U.S. government and its people.
Pluto retrograded April 4, when dealing with deep conflict moved into our inner
minds; and the push for massive structural changes in systems has quieted until
fall. But, Mars in Aries on April 22 and Saturn direct in mid-Virgo on May 16 are
aspects that are going to trigger personal actions that will become collective
when Pluto goes direct mid-September. You may have been stewing in your
emotional garbage during March and most of April, but that ends abruptly during
this New Moon when you must get real. So, let us examine the New Moon in
Taurus looking for guidance for emotional assessment. This can help prepare
each one of us for the liftoff that will be going on all during this lunar cycle, a liftoff
that will keep us in orbit even beyond the end of the Mayan Calendar.

The New Moon is in 5 degrees Taurus exactly T-squares the lunar nodes in 5
Aquarius/5 Leo announcing a karmic crisis for our species. This close T- square
means we will experience great tension this month over the personal and
collective value of our life paths, our dharma. Great self-doubts will inspire many
to awaken dormant talents that our species needs for the critical leap; you won't
be able to twiddle your thumbs. For example, if you've lost your home during the
real estate crash, you may be forced to find new ways to create community, to
live and share all aspects of life with others.

Before this New Moon T-square set in, on April 19 we enjoyed the luscious green
arrival of the Sun in Taurus. We soaked in love and attunement with Nature. Our
joyous feelings will swell to a crisis point during the New Moon, creating an
emotional-survival crisis. You must realize that Nature loves you and creates
you, yet many will wonder if Earth is buckling under the sheer weight of
humanity. Others will feel like grasping for just one more comfort, one more way
to feel secure.

The arrival of this New Moon will challenge us all to truly value our planet's joy
and pleasure. Tensions coming from too much ego may show up in relationships
with the New Moon in Taurus, yet I think the emphasis will be honoring our
relationship with all that is.

Looking at Venus and Mars in the New Moon chart, they are conjunct right on the
Spring Equinox solar ingress (0 degrees Aries), a flag waving at the races that
says GO! As mentioned, many of you have been in the middle of relational crisis
during the Mars/Venus transits, and right now it would be smart to be wary of
sudden desires for movement and change. Mars moved into Aries on April 22,
and then Venus went into Aries just a few hours before this New Moon; the urge
to just DO something will be almost overpowering. Notice what the urge is, and
do what you can to be patient because the issues that came up during Venus
retrograde won't actually resolve until May 21, when Venus moves past its
retrograde point (15 Aries). The powers of the Triple Conjunction will be very
strong by May 21, so perhaps you should wait for this really superb energy influx,
especially if you just adore that person? Also, you may be almost crushed by
some kind of personal revelation. During the New Moon, Pluto retrograde in
Capricorn squares Venus/Mars in Aries, which encourages us to hold out for
careful, deep, meaningful actions.

As you can see in the chart, the Triple Conjunction is drawing very close during
this New Moon, and this is expanding our spiritual healing. Mercury in 25 Taurus
rules awareness and comprehension, and it exactly squares the Triple
Conjunction; what you need to heal will be easy to identify during this New Moon.
What's your big block? Where did it start? Are you doing things to heal it and get
beyond it? In all spiritual traditions, taking the mantle of spiritual awareness often
entails personal sacrifice. During this New Moon, look for insights concerning
how our species may expand itself (Jupiter) by means of healing blocks (Chiron)
that have kept us from our spiritual paths (Neptune), insights that may open
during the next Great Age (Aquarius). Many of you have felt like beings of light
with healing knowledge from Atlantis lurking in your cells. The Triple Conjunction
is going to release this inner knowledge in direct proportion to letting ego go.
Uranus in 25 Pisces exactly sextiles Mercury in Taurus, which means spiritual
transformation is going to just flow right into our consciousness to flood our
minds with new insights. This New Moon occurs just before midnight in
Washington, DC, so dream life in the White House could be quite amazing.
People on the West Coast will be enjoying a nice evening while picking up subtle
nuances. This is a great time to read vibrations in Nature, your soul.
Saturn in 15 Virgo is still retrograde and goes direct May 16, and Saturn is
unaspected during the New Moon. This suggests that structural change will be in
the doldrums for the whole month, but there will be just a lot of action with Mars
and Venus in early Aries. Deep structural change will be slow until mid-
September (Pluto retrograde), and certainly until Saturn is in direct motion.

We will see a lot of change and action, and then it would be smart to be cautious
during the next Mercury retrograde, May 6 to May 30. Saturn is close to the
Uranus/Pluto conjunctions of the mid-1960s, so processing civil rights and the
struggles to end war will be in the headlines.

Now that we have a basic reading of the Taurus New Moon, I will go more deeply
into the Triple Conjunction (Jupiter/Chiron/Neptune in Aquarius). It will build
through the month and then culminate in some kind of major change in our world
around the time of the New Moon in Gemini on May 24, which I will say more
about in my next reading. Jupiter conjuncts Chiron May 23, and then Jupiter
conjuncts Neptune May 27, and then Neptune goes retrograde May 28 right on
the 1776 USA Moon in Aquarius. The exact Chiron/Neptune conjunction is
February 16, 2010 (26 Aquarius on my South Node/Sun opposite my north
Node/Chiron), and Chiron and Neptune are close 2007 through 2013. This is a
long-lasting influence that is radically expanded now by Jupiter's movement into
its sphere. Other planets will move in and out of Chiron conjunct Neptune, which
we will be watching.

Going back in time to previous Triple Conjunctions, in July 1881 and early 1882,
Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune were moving closely in and out of conjunction in
Taurus, the year before the midpoint of the whole Planetary Underworld. At that
time, industrialists were working with both Thomas Edison and Nicola Tesla to
determine how to use electricity to power industrial society. Edison's direct
current won out over Tesla's free-energy discoveries, resulting in today's
controlling electrical grid system: the age of electricity was born. The next Triple
Conjunction was late August/early September 1945 in Libra, just after WWII
ended with America dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki: the
Atomic Age was born. [This insight comes from George Ward, the excellent
astrologer for The Pleiadian Times, Bold Connections, PO Box 782, Apex, NC,
27502.] By comparison, what new energy will be born in the next few months,
and during these next seven years? As you can see, the previous Triple
Conjunctions occurred with the emergence of some form of new energy
technology, and I think this time we will experience a transformation out of money
as an energy exchange into energetic healing as the new form of money. Also,
new forms of alternative energy will manifest as well. In our world today, people
have substituted money for their own power and energy, and now everything is
bankrupt. Be watchful for major shifts in how cultures depend on money during
the coming Triple Conjunction.

Letting go of the collective field, the Triple Conjunction has major implications for
each one of us; it may signal a colossal impending spiritual emergency. Spiritual
emergency occurs when the degree of change that we are experiencing causes
too much kundalini energy to rise in our spine and chakras. [See Clow, The
Liquid Light of Sex: Astrology, Kundalini, and the Key Life Passages.] That is, we
get over-amped. When we experience too much kundalini energy in our bodies,
we become unbalanced physically, emotionally, and mentally, a real energy crisis
that makes people crazy and delusional.

The USA will be the focus for this crisis worldwide because it has drugged its
populace to keep its energy down. The Triple Conjunction is on the USA Moon,
so this won't work any more. Of course, kundalini rising is also what it takes to
achieve enlightenment, the critical leap. It is no accident that the Triple
Conjunction in Aquarius is occurring now, and we must respect its power. The
Chiron/Neptune conjunction occurs from 2007 through 2013 because Chiron has
a very elliptical orbit, and right now it is traveling close to Neptune for a long time,
which is no accident during the end of the Calendar. Chiron and Neptune were
traveling close together in Taurus from 1878-82, a period of great industrial and
technological growth, which peaked in 1881-82 when Jupiter moved into the
conjunction. Neptune was close to Chiron for only a little while in 1945, but when
Jupiter moved in, the results were nuclear.

I have included this first section, looking back at the Jupiter/Chiron/Neptune
Triple Conjunction, to suggest that you consider preparing for spiritual
emergency and earthshaking changes in culture. As for me, I'm watching the
roller coaster hoping that the scaffolding and tracks don't fail. In the reading for
the New Moon in Gemini, we will have much more information about what the
changes are going to be. Astrology can only forecast energy fields that are
capable of causing a number of possible things, and we have to watch for the
themes. But, I guarantee, we are about to enter a period that will make the
history books. Just remember to respect kundalini energy. If the industrialists had
been able to do that in the 1880s, which happens to also be the midpoint of the
Planetary, perhaps our world would be running on forms of energy that are more
in tune with Nature. If the warriors had more respect for life in 1945, perhaps we
wouldn't have released toxic radiation on our planet. Perhaps if we achieve
enlightenment during the next few years, Universe Society will lift Earth's
quarantine. What will be that like?


Pig Flu, what?

Can anybody tell me WHY?!

Why do we have so much news about a virus that kills less people each day than hunger?


I'm absolutely outraged by this. Is that not an obvious attempt by the media blowing up something by the use of the mind controlling devices. People wake up. Who cares about Pig Flu? Some jackass has some control over the media who was paid tons of money to either put some fear into people to keep the machine going because it's breaking down in front of our eyes. Or another jackass paid the media tons of money so that people would have to buy their medicine.

Perhaps both jackasses pooled their money and bought a tickets to Australia to visit the kangeroos and bought this concocted, contrived bunch of BS.

Whatever the case is - don't be fooled our natural state is that of love and health.

Have a great day of vital accomplishment!


The Rebirth Celebration May 9-11, 2009

The Rebirth Celebration May 9-11, 2009

In May 2009 a major emanation from the Hunab-Ku, an unfathomably large intelligence in the center of the universe according to Mayan Cosmology, will inform a magnificent birth of cosmic proportions. This epoch period, the Mid-Point of the Sixth Day of the Galactic Underworld, gives humanity an unprecedented opportunity to cooperate with the forces of evolution to fulfill individual and collective purposes, and to create a sustainable world of harmony, abundance and balance with Nature. As with any birth, there is also death…death of that which is no longer supported by these new evolutionary energies. This article provides the background for this paradoxically auspicious and ominous moment, and what we can do personally and collectively to consciously participate in it.

Two articles follow:

The Rebirth Celebration – The midpoint of the Sixth DAY of the Galactic Underworld, May 9-11, 2009 by Carl Johan Calleman. www.Calleman.com

The Inner Dimensions of Cosmic Rebirth – The ecology of choice and transformation in a rapidly changing world, by Joseph R. Giove. www.CommonPassion.org where info about the global meditation is found.

The Rebirth Celebration –The midpoint of the Sixth DAY of the Galactic UnderworldMay 9-11, 2009
by Carl Johan Calleman

excerpt from article

To understand our current situation according to the Mayan calendar I believe it is necessary to first backtrack somewhat and look at what has happened at the most important of the recent shift points of the Galactic Underworld (see Fig. 1). A very important such was the beginning of the fifth NIGHT, November 19, 2007. In my book The Mayan calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness, written in 2003, I ended the discussion about economy (page 233) with a prediction relating to this point in time: “Regardless of what forms such a [financial] collapse may take it seems that the best bet is for it to occur close to the time that the Fifth NIGHT begins, in November 2007 [strictly speaking the 19th].” This prediction was based on the fact that throughout cosmic history the fifth NIGHT has been a time when the old order often has come to be destroyed. Today, as economists agree that the global economic recession started in December of 2007, (see Fig. 2) we can in retrospect see how amazingly accurate predictions may be if they are based on the true Mayan calendar. Even if predictions from it are not cut in stone it will nonetheless tell us what time periods that are conducive to certain activities and frames of mind.

Fig. 1Fig. 2

A second very important shift point came with the beginning of the sixth DAY – November 12, 2008 – when, with the election of Obama as president of the US a week earlier, an energy of rebirth can be said to have manifested. This is also what had been predicted to begin at that particular time, which is symbolized by Yohalticitl, the goddess of birth. Barack Obama notably happens to be born on the Mayan day-sign 9 Ben, which is identical to the birthday of the United States, July 4, 1776, and thus plays a significant role in the history of this particular nation, in that he thus creates a full circle. His intentions to rule with transparency and with a more friendly and egalitarian relationship to other nations is certainly a welcome contrast to several of his predecessors. A sense of rebirth of ethical values has thus surrounded him creating an opening for a global unity on a larger scale.

We may however notice that the economy did not turn up again as the sixth DAY began. Why this was so can be understood on different levels. One is the economic in that the means of continuing the economic growth through expanding credit probably now have been exhausted. Everyone who takes a loan knows that this means taking resources from the future and the limits to how far this can be pushed have now been reached. Another level of understanding is that of the cosmic plan where we are now in the Galactic Underworld, which does not have economic and technological development as its primary purpose. On the contrary, the Galactic Underworld is about broadening the human horizon to a holistic viewpoint where we show concern for all of creation and the whole planet, which the world’s economic system has increasingly come in conflict with. We thus have reasons to seriously ask if the world will ever again experience a prolonged period of economic growth although the media keep talking about when the recession will end and the bankers and rulers of the world, Obama included, are taking measures that they say are to this effect.

What is now being tried in order to reactivate the growth economy is then to give the bankers tax-payer money so that they can lend the same money back to the tax-payers that they got it from. This may sound like a joke. Yet, the fact that so many have accepted this as necessary, and too complex for regular people to understand, shows how great the faith in the old ways still are. The reason the majority of people take it for granted that there will again be a period of economic growth some time in the future is that they were born into the Planetary Underworld. And indeed, if we study the wave movement of the Planetary Underworld that had the dominating effect on our consciousness between AD 1755 and AD 1999, we can see that economic growth periods alternated with recessions as a direct function of its shifts between DAYS and NIGHTS. DAYS meant upturns and NIGHTS downturns in the industrial economy. This very wave movement of the Planetary Underworld was however exactly what was transcended by the fifth NIGHT of the Galactic Underworld that began November 19, 2007. Will it then really in the current situation be possible for anyone to reactivate the growth economy? I personally do not think that this is the case except maybe for in limited sectors and to limited degrees. The decline will maybe slow down somewhat in this sixth DAY, but is likely to be intensified around the time the sixth NIGHT begins around November 7, 2009. The purpose of the current Galactic Underworld is thus different from that of the Planetary and is primarily to introduce relationships in the world based on a holistic global and egalitarian mindset, manifested in balanced relations between genders, nations, races and religions across the planet (and actually across the universe, but we know little about this). If we like we may thus look upon the whole Bush era as blocking this consciousness from manifesting.

Thus, while I feel that we are under the influence of the energies of the Mayan calendar (otherwise predictions would not have been possible) I also feel that our choices and the choices of different rulers influence how they manifest. Thus, certain policies of the Bush era might for instance have aggravated the situation. Regardless, I feel there is every reason to predict considerable hardships for many individuals who may lose their jobs, private economies and homes at the current time and the many, who in the time to come are likely to be faced with similar circumstances. An observer from a different planet may however look upon this also from a somewhat different perspective. He or she may look upon the end to the incessant growth economy as a sign that there is some hope that the planetary cancer is starting to recede and that there is some hope that humanity will actually survive and fulfill its purpose. In such a perspective we may look upon it as if the cosmic plan has now set in a protective mechanism for the Earth, since one thing we can be certain of is that if the growth economy does not come to an end then the world will come to an end. No one may be able to tell whether this would happen because of global warming, depletion of life in the oceans, destruction of the rainforests, the disappearance of the bees or something else. In fact, we do not really need to know what would trigger such a collapse of the planetary ecosystem, since the point to realize is that none of these threats to our environment can be looked upon in isolation from the others. They all have a common origin in an economy that for a long time has been based on incessant growth and now the frame of consciousness carried by the Galactic Underworld is forcing us to face the consequences of this.

I feel this means that in the years ahead we may expect to be faced with very difficult dilemmas on a personal level that usually do not have simple resolutions: “If I do not take care of myself, who will? Yet, if I do not care for the larger whole, who am I?” We may of course put the blame for the downturn of the economy on the bankers and others, who created the economy that led us to live off the resources of the future. This however does not change very much, and it is also probably difficult to find someone who in one way or another did not to some extent benefit from this in a material sense. Thus, with few exceptions human beings have not voluntarily been willing to set an end to the growth.

What then is there to do in this situation we may ask? If the economy will never start to grow again, what will emerge in its place? Many realize that what needs to happen is a transition to a sustainable economy, something that humanity has not experienced for some 5000 years. This would mean a return to a non-dualist Garden of Eden in balance with the environment at a new and higher level, a transition that many will probably find very difficult and almost incomprehensible to grasp mentally speaking. We may for instance take note of the fact that no world leader or economist is currently advocating a shift to an economy that is sustainable. So far, few have even started to consider that there will be no upturn in the economy, and when this starts to dawn on people we may in fact come to witness all kinds of actions of desperation and social unrest taking somewhat different forms in different cultures. Many hierarchical structures are likely to collapse.

Will a sustainable economy then emerge? Well, there is no answer to this in the Mayan calendar, simply because it depends on the choices people will make in the time ahead and what they focus on creating. In the perspective of such a collective choice determining the future of humanity, it however seems plain silly when you hear people claim that the Mayan calendar predicts the end of the world from pole shifts, asteroids, natural disasters, sunspots or other physical events outside of ourselves. The reality is that the Mayan calendar describes the evolution of consciousness and for the future does not predict anything except for what emanates, directly or indirectly, from the human beings themselves. Another way of saying the same thing is that there are no “consciousness shifts” happening on this planet outside of ourselves. The exact time of the downturn of the economy was predictable from the Mayan calendar for the very reason that this was a result of human behavior that is conditioned by the resonance with the Cosmic Tree of Life. The Cosmic Tree of Life, according to Mayan, and other ancient traditions is an unfathomably large intelligence, Hunab-Ku, at the center of the universe that makes quantum jumps at critical shift points in the calendar. The existence of such a central axis of the universe has recently (2003) been discovered by science, which I believe to be one of the most consequential discoveries of all time and elaborate on in the forthcoming The Purposeful Universe (Inner Traditions, December 2009). It is the energies emanating from this Cosmic Tree of Life that serve to synchronize evolution on all levels of the universe. It is through our own resonance with this, and with its quantum shifts, that we are inspired to create our world in accordance with the wave movements of seven DAYS and six NIGHTS in the cosmic plan.
From this perspective the talk of a predetermined “doomsday”, as presented by the History Channel or in upcoming Hollywood movies, simply seems absurd for anyone knowledgeable about the Mayan calendar. Such thinking merely serves to instill fear and to deflect our attention from the real issues at hand. Even if it may be true that the world may come to an end if we are not able to successfully transit to a sustainable economy, this would not be because of any preset “doomsday”. Such a disaster would instead be something that humanity has collectively (with some having greater responsibility than others) brought upon itself. If anything it would be caused by how we have ignored the message of the Mayan calendar, which is that we are meant to transit to a state of peace in oneness. Projections of fears or dreams onto a Y2K date in the future is a way of thinking that I believe is very disempowering and removes the responsibility for the course of events from our actions in the present moment.

To avoid such projections I feel it is necessary to ground our intentions and actions in the changing energies of the Mayan calendar that we are living through in the present moment and look at what kind of intentions these may empower in us now. Our understanding of these may be based on parallels between different Underworlds such as the exact prediction of the time for the beginning of the economic decline. This was based on the analogy with the year 1932, the beginning of the Fifth NIGHT of the Planetary Underworld, which meant the beginning of the Great Depression on a global scale. With the same reasoning of making parallels between different Underworlds we may now also look at our current situation as we approach the midpoint of the sixth DAY of the Galactic Underworld on May 11, 2009 (10 Ahau) and its continuation into its second half until November 7, 2009. The shift date is a parallel to the year 1962 (which was the midpoint of the sixth DAY of the Planetary Underworld) and the second half to the time period 1962-1972. We may then want to recall what happened during this time period. 1962 was the year of the Cuban Missile Crisis, a shift point from which the Cold War would start to thaw and the year later the Beatles phenomenon exploded. I was privileged to be in England at the time and experience this first hand before it went on to most of Europe and later to the US. The point here is of course not to emphasize the musical phenomenon as such, but that this was the beginning of an intense wave of novelty that would create a tremendous cultural rebirth and social experimentation that in the years ahead would sweep the world from Mai 68 in France to Flower power, hippies and the peace movement in the US. This movement had distinct characters in different countries, and yet was very much globally synchronized in time. It was carried by a desire to test new ways of being outside of the control of the “establishment” in every area of life and no authority was taken for granted. We may today look upon some its expressions as excesses, such as for instance the cultural revolution in China, but the fact remains that our current world still owes much of its egalitarianism and openness to what was created in this era.

Needless to say, the world today is very different from 1962 and if nothing else it is dominated by another Underworld, where economic growth is constrained. Yet, it seems to me that this kind of an experimental attitude is exactly what is needed at the present time when a chief challenge is a grass roots creation of a sustainable economy. Any time of crisis fosters new creativity, which may take many forms of self-organizing collectives that escape the dominance of the ruling hierarchies. Moreover, if the downturn in the economy was predictable based on the Mayan calendar we have reasons to suspect that an intensified grass roots creativity will be supported by the Tree of Life in the time ahead. It has already become clear that in the current situation the old ways do not work for people in general and that something new will have to emerge. I feel if we do not understand this now, it will definitely be clear during the sixth NIGHT, November 7, 2009 to November 2, 2010, that the return to the growth economy is not possible. For this reason we are inviting you to participate in a global meditation on May 9-11 to focus on the creation of a sustainable economy for the first time in 5000 years. This is an intention that millions of people share, but it is an altogether different matter to see it transcend the growth economy on a global scale.

What we can do is in meditation to look at who we need to be for this to happen. I also believe that the increasing awareness of the Cosmic Tree of Life, currently shared only by a very small minority of the Earth’s population, will help to create the increased compassion that will be much needed as humanity seeks new ways of sharing resources, jobs etc. Thus a spirit of sharing, collaboration and compassion needs to color the global meditation at the midpoint of the Sixth DAY, May 9-11, 2009. If the new ways do not embody such a compassion and collaboration they are simply likely to reproduce the old. A global meditation clearly does not by itself solve the problems of mankind. But it does help! By focusing on connecting with the Cosmic Tree of Life, which in Mayan and other ancient myths are behind the different eras humanity is living through, we may help create the necessary compassion to fulfill our own purpose as this attains its highest state on the energy of 13 Ahau on October 28, 2011. In a global meditation we may focus on inspiring the grass root creativity that will be needed to transit to a sustainable Garden of Eden that on my own part I am convinced is the purpose of the cosmic plan.
Carl Johan Calleman,Seattle, 9 Reed (April 14, 2009

The Inner Dimensions of Cosmic Rebirth; The ecology of choice and transformation in a rapidly changing world.

By Joseph R. Giove

The Rebirth Celebration, May 9th through 11th 2009, will be a global collaborative of people who share compassion as a common passion. We will unite our collective wisdom and power to welcome a new cosmic birth, indicated by this key period revealed in the Mayan Calendar. In 2004, we co-created the Harmonic Concordance. In 2007 we honored and celebrated the Divine Feminine is us and the world at the Mid-Point of the Fifth Day through the Breakthrough Celebration. Last year on the Summer Solstice we invited the Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine and Masculine within us in the Gathering of One, the Global Eden event. Now we are honored to celebrate the birth of something new and unimagined in years past. We celebrate the Rebirth of the Divine Plan in creation and in us. Please join us by going to www.CommonPassion.org and learning more.

The primary focus of current affairs seems to be the global economic meltdown and global warming, two very apt metaphors for our time. These also have correspondences in our personal lives: lost jobs and homes, large-scale failure of systems we've relied on for modern conveniences and our livelihood, diminishing future prospects for economic growth, fear of biospheric collapse, and a general malaise with the state of the world.

Yet, as Carl discusses above, forward movement now in evolution is in the realm of consciousness; it is our consciousness that is evolving, as well as the consciousness of all life. In view of this, we are served also by looking at the inner dimensions of these outer changes. Here we may find not only solace and a place of spiritual grounding, but also solid footing on the path moving us consciously and gracefully through these exciting times, which are pregnant with possibilities and opportunities.

The current warming of the planet and the melting of the economy are clear results of the consciousness that informed the human activity that led to these conditions:

1) In terms of global warming, consciousness that is disconnected from and dispassionate to its impact on the environment;

2) In terms of the economy, a consciousness disconnected from and disempowered of its own value in relationship to its environment. So while on the surface these may seem like unrelated phenomenon, the reality is a deep relatedness that has holistic implications especially relevant for the times. Fortunately however, as Carl points out, "consciousness" is changing and evolving; it is being directed by cosmic forces embedded deep in the central Intelligence of the universe, which some may call God, G-d, Allah, Brahman, Universal Intelligence, Great Spirit or Hunab-Ku. This Intelligence is holographically nested in each of us. It is now calling us to rely on "It" and consciously co-operate with evolution.

We can look out through It…and to It, and become awed, gracious and humbled by Beauty, Truth, Grace, Harmony, Abundance, Divine Balance and Love. Or we can obscure It by focusing on the distorted creations and lesser manifestations of humankind, which resulted from a fragmented, separatist, greedy, self-absorbed consciousness. Fortunately, our consciousness is evolving holistically by the Grace of G-d – by these cosmic emanations – and we do not have to contemplate a future that is a mere extrapolation from the past. In fact, one of the more profound insights from the genius and insight of the Mayans is this: the energies that give rise to our manifested world change along a divine plan with which we can consciously align, and that by doing so, we move into greater perfection with the divine plan. In other words, the world that was is not what informs a new world. What informs a new world and our new lives are powerful forces continually emanating from the inter-dimensional, creative core and Intelligence of the universe. The Big Bang should no longer be perceived as solely a historic event; rather, it is also the ultimate present moment, THE Holy Moment: the perpetual bringing forth of new Light from the Creative Heart and Mind of the living universe. By creating resonance with that Heart-Mind, we cooperate and thus quicken the cosmic plan of creation.

This will be the core shared intention of the Rebirth Celebration Concordance: I AM resonating with the Creative Heart-Mind of the Living Universe. I AM the Creative Heart-Mind of the Living Universe.

Inhale while looking up through the brow: I AM resonating with the Creative Heart-Mind of the Living Universe.

Exhale and smile: I AM the Creative Heart-Mind of the Living Universe.

Those who focus on what's falling away, melting, dissolving – on what is no longer supported by new evolutionary energies – may become despondent, fearful, scarce in their thinking, jealous of opportunities, possessive of their resources, and mindless to the consequences of their actions on others and on the environment. This is the very behavior that is no longer supported by the underlying evolutionary impulses. Any system of a personal, social, economic, political, educational, commercial or medical nature that was based on features of scarcity, separatism, greed, domination, control, imbalance, force, conflict, etc. have lost their energetic foundation and are dissolving back into the void as we speak. Amen and, respectfully, good riddance.
What is emerging now…what is being supported by the new evolutionary energies are people creating systems based on collaboration, harmony, the implicit abundance of nature, egalitarian awareness, the explicit and indelible nature of interrelatedness, interdependency and interconnection.

We may look around us with innocent eyes and joyously behold:
a massive proliferation of social networking that has infiltrated all aspects of society and commerce;
technology enabling collaboration that crosses geopolitical, economic and ideological lines;
a massive "greening" movement that is increasing awareness of our impact on the environment, with inspiring and creative programs being developed around the world to restore our balance with nature;
free and sustainable sources of energy that are slowly making their way into the common awareness;
new partnerships forming between long-time competitors;
software being developed "free" by global communities of programmers in "open source" models;
ideas being shared and new economic models proliferating in communities around the world, giving rise to alternative forms of currencies and exchange of value between individuals without requiring a central bank or government to control…or to demand a toll from each of us for the pleasure of their exploitation;
humanity collectively solving stubborn problems like hunger, poverty and contagious diseases without waiting for governments or other political systems.
These holistic, collaborative, more balanced, more ecologically aligned creations are themselves an out-picturing of the new human consciousness informing these worldly innovations. However, being focused on the dissolution of old systems may blind us to these new emergent properties and to the magical nature of our times. This blindedness will inevitably disempower us and prohibit our eyes-wide-open involvement. It will stop us from asking pertinent questions, the answers of which will ignite our own personal fulfillment and purpose now. Questions like: What are the characteristics of this new evolutionary wave that is impinging on my inner nature? What is the deeper meaning of global warming, economics, increasing novelty and accelerating time from an interior, self-reflective point of view…the "inner ecology" of personal transformation? How can I best serve this unfoldment for my personal and community welfare? How can I quicken my own alignment with these new and exciting transformational energies being released upon the planet now?

What was once viewed as paradoxical or oxymoronic can now make sense and be seen or felt in the higher light of multidimensional awareness. Now is the time we've been waiting for. It's not in 2012 or some other imaginary date in the future. It's about now; it is now.
This is what the Rebirth Celebration is about on May 9, 10 and 11 of 2009. Leading up to this grand celebration and the global meditation/prayer/concordance is a dialogue occurring in the www.CommonPassion.org discussion forum. Here we access the collective wisdom, creativity and genius to answer the above questions, and this one: ¨What is being birthed?!" Ultimately the answers are in the living of our lives, which we do consciously, intentionally and collectively together as we navigate this magnificent shift of the ages.

Joseph R. GioveSan Francisco, April 14, 2009 (9 Reed)Executive DirectorCommonPassion.orgIntention * Concordance * Harmony


Maya and Time: Are you stuck in time?

Do you realize that you currently live within a paradigm of time that inherently creates chaos in your life? If you live according the the Gregorian calendar or any other cycle that involves increments of 12 and 60 segments of time your paradigm, your thoughts created by your mind, and time is nothing you can see or touch, so therefore it can only exist in your mind, therefore the vision that you perceive RIGHT NOW is completely influenced by a vibration or frequency that causes chaos and disruption with the natural flow of the universe.

And if you are RIGHT NOW reading this there is a reason. This was what the Cohen Brothers were referring to as the Matrix. This is what the End of Time, it's what the 12/21/2012 prophecy is all about. No the world doesn't blow up! It's actually the end of the 12/60 time that we have been used to for the past 500 or so years.

The new (or remembered) time has been given to us by the Mayans through a series of intricate artistic symbols, architecture, geomancy and mathematics. Through the use of Mayan technology we are going to learn how to thrive in harmony with our beautiful Mother Earth. We can unify with our Galactic objective that has been disrupted for too long now.

We can all learn to become time travellers and mystics breaking free from the Matrix and tearing down the walls of fear, delusion, and hate. Thereby creating a Golden Age for Earth and Hu-man-ity.

During a two hour workshop I will be sharing some tools we can use to free our minds thus allowing us to live free on Earth.

Every other Sunday I will conduct an Introductory workshop at Yoga Prairie.

Call or e-mail to register. $22



There really are no rules. Just the ones we have in our minds. There is no inherant meaning to life. Just the meaning our minds give to it.

Check out this site: http://newearthacademy.com/index.php

I discovered it this morning. My strongest desires this past week have been to put myself into a self sustaining community.

I am now going to send some intetion out into the universe to create a book about moving yourself out of this consumer disharmonic way of living into one of harmony with the planet and the universe.

Any guidance and dirction is greatly welcomed.


Brilliant Idea 2.1 - Don't Stimulate Zombie Banks, Let them Die

So this morning on NPR I learned the term 'Zombie Banks'. To learn more listen to the story:


So if these bank are a drain on the economy and are negatively afftecting many people's lives. People we know. These people are all around us. They are our friends, family, former co-workers, and people who are on they journey with us.


This is completely unacceptable in my world!

So it's a really simple fix and the peopple who are suppose to be affected by the economic stimulus win. Not the few fat cats at the top of the food chain waiting for their gov'mt check so they can pretend they are doing something important.

Not that they're not real, just disillusioned.

To start:
Let the Zombie bank die or kill it. Don't stimulate - execute.

Let these Zombie Banks die that are sucking the life out of our economic, out of the moral fabric of our world. Better yet whack off their heads. With it absolve all individual debt owed to that bank. That's a sure way to stimulate people's attitude toward their financial situation.

Imagine people's reaction! Say your somebody who purchased a vehicle or house 3 years ago it's value is one-third to half the value you paid. Oh but behold my friend! Your bank has just been executed by a courageous band of mavericks and your debt is no more. People would flip!

Now that's a plan for the people.


Galactic Activation Portal Days are coming this week.

I need to calm down.

If you want to learn more of the law of time and bring yourself into galactic alignment. Pull yourself out of the current mode of time we are operating in and into galactic time.

Begin here:


In here you will find many free downloads. Calenders, picture, everything you'll need to get yourself into that space of transcenance.

I want to share with you something about my last 12 hours.

After reading Law of Time documents taken from "The Mayan Factor, Path beyond Technology" by Jose Arguelles (downloadable of above website), the knowledge I learned was the knowledge of our connection to the galactic center. From which we enter through our solar plexus chakra, through our planetary grid, through our sun eventually leading to the galactic center. You'll get a much better explanation if you download the documents. The spend pages to describe what I just told you in a few sentences.

So anyway, it was late last night after midnight when I finished my reading. I felt like I was in an elevated consciousness. I wanted to meditate a bit on this new information, maybe even connect to the galactic center. So I listened to some great binaural audio to align my cells to a higher frequency. http://www.youtube.com/user/EarthsAscension2012
After that I was led to do the Merkaba meditation. It was difficult to maintain equanimity this time because I kept feeling sadness for the judgement I've had towards my family this weekend. The more I open my heart the less tolerance I have for judgement of others. So as I continued to keep my heart open I continued through my meditation. I stayed with my heart and love extended myself out into the universe.

Something has shifted from this process because I awoke with time to recall some elements of my dream. My experience of my family, our cooperation today and the love that exists in our conversations and interactions today has been joyous. There is a feeling of abundance and freedom that wasn't there last night.

Therefore I am feeling even more compelled to continue to share Law of Time information.

If this finds your way. Absorb the information and pass it on!

In the light!


A New Time - Mayan Calender

Towards the end of last month I've come across some very exciting information about regarding time, and the 13 cycle lunar calendar. The Law of Time recently revealed according to Mayan prophecy talks about how we are now undergoing a process in which we need to mentally remove ourselves from the current mode of 12:60 timing frequency. 12 month Gregorian calendar and the 60 minute/second clock. That timing causes chaos and disrupts our natural timing.

The Mayan calender which has a frequency of 13:20. There are 13 tones and 20 seals that correlate to aspects or characteristics of human life. This becomes a lot more clear as you study this:

These sites contain knowledge regarding this topic:

These are some wonderful site's with so much juicy information, tools, and practical -USEFUL! items to help guide you further into higher consciousness. Perhaps it's not a higher consciousness but an expanded, alternate facet of consciousness.

Reply to this post if you want me to decipher your destiny oracle and your galactic signature based on Mayan Wavespell- Calender.

If you feel in your heart that this is important make this available to people.


Dawn of a new Era

My writing will be brief this evening. Today was a very uplifting and emotional day. Can any of you feel the wringing out of our past? Personally I have had a lingering cold sore and just developed some sinus congestion. As my body returns to it's natural state of well-being I feel insecure like I'm not anywhere familiar the banks of the river are nowhere nearby for me to hold on to. With income being minimal and generation in progress, I must daily set my thinking in a direction of creation. I don't think I am the only one to be in this place right now. Nor do I think looking down upon myself for being in this position does any good either.

I am reminded of wisdom I learned when I was really involved with Landmark Education (www.landmarkeducation.com). That after one has completed any problem with any issue such as relationships, job, money, home, anything, that there gets created a space of 'nothingness'. And in a space of nothingness exists all possibility.

With the completion of the Bush/Cheney presidency and the beginning of another. President Obama and Vice President Biden now have a tremendous opportunity to fulfill on their campaign promises of a brighter future for this country and also the world. And so 2009 is ushered in to us on the wings of the condor.

So with that said I will continue to allow the universe to provide for me whatever I need. May you do so as well.

In love and light~


More on 2012 and then some

So I was compelled to get out of bed this morning at 8:00am this morning. Which I found a bit curious since Sarah and I didn't get to bed until 2:00am this morning. We had to watch some comedy on youtube after watching I am Legend. I figured there was something I was to find as I open up my computer. Well sure enough I came upon a recent interview with David Wilcock on Coast to Coast.

David Wilcock will stretch your beliefs. And I suppose for those who actually find this blog this will be indicative of those who have open minds. So you you brought this information to you by just being here. If you haven't heard David before I have to tell you that your current paradigm of life will be challenged. With that said - Enjoy!

So anyway here is a link to the first part:

I'm actually still listening to this interview but I feel like there is delicious material not only about 2012 which is about half way through if you want to skip to it, as well as other fascinating ideas regarding our Universe.


Enter the Sacred Heart

It may sound a bit corny, however, it is my inspiration for the year. In my recent studies on consciousness and meditation, I've learned that being able to understand and access our hearts rather than our minds will bring us into harmony with the earth. So what I'm saying is that most Western people have been creating, designing, living, disciplining our children, ruling and managing people with this right brain mentality for hundreds of years. Well you can see where that has gone.

We've shoved genius' aside such as Nikolai Tesla who discovered transmitable wireless energy at no cost, other than cost for the machines and I suppose some maintenance.  Or we've just killed those who stood for a higher consciousness, MLK, JFK, and the like. No judgement though - things have had to go this way and we are blessed for the contrast of life experiences. This year things will change dramatically towards another perspective. You can call it left brain- emotional - or really it's from the sacred place of the heart.

So getting back to the heart... This year I've agreed to open my heart and give and receive love more than ever before.  I've begun to do some heart opening meditations and concentrating my yoga practice on heart opening postrures like Camel and Bridge pose. 

So those of you that have taken time out of your life to read this ---> Join me! Join all beings as we open our heart to one another. Share with me please what you are doing this year to open your heart more than ever before. Share with everyone you can. You must realize that by sharing it increases the power and influence of whatever you are creating.
Love and happiness to all!