
Galactic Activation Portal Days are coming this week.

I need to calm down.

If you want to learn more of the law of time and bring yourself into galactic alignment. Pull yourself out of the current mode of time we are operating in and into galactic time.

Begin here:


In here you will find many free downloads. Calenders, picture, everything you'll need to get yourself into that space of transcenance.

I want to share with you something about my last 12 hours.

After reading Law of Time documents taken from "The Mayan Factor, Path beyond Technology" by Jose Arguelles (downloadable of above website), the knowledge I learned was the knowledge of our connection to the galactic center. From which we enter through our solar plexus chakra, through our planetary grid, through our sun eventually leading to the galactic center. You'll get a much better explanation if you download the documents. The spend pages to describe what I just told you in a few sentences.

So anyway, it was late last night after midnight when I finished my reading. I felt like I was in an elevated consciousness. I wanted to meditate a bit on this new information, maybe even connect to the galactic center. So I listened to some great binaural audio to align my cells to a higher frequency. http://www.youtube.com/user/EarthsAscension2012
After that I was led to do the Merkaba meditation. It was difficult to maintain equanimity this time because I kept feeling sadness for the judgement I've had towards my family this weekend. The more I open my heart the less tolerance I have for judgement of others. So as I continued to keep my heart open I continued through my meditation. I stayed with my heart and love extended myself out into the universe.

Something has shifted from this process because I awoke with time to recall some elements of my dream. My experience of my family, our cooperation today and the love that exists in our conversations and interactions today has been joyous. There is a feeling of abundance and freedom that wasn't there last night.

Therefore I am feeling even more compelled to continue to share Law of Time information.

If this finds your way. Absorb the information and pass it on!

In the light!

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