
Dawn of a new Era

My writing will be brief this evening. Today was a very uplifting and emotional day. Can any of you feel the wringing out of our past? Personally I have had a lingering cold sore and just developed some sinus congestion. As my body returns to it's natural state of well-being I feel insecure like I'm not anywhere familiar the banks of the river are nowhere nearby for me to hold on to. With income being minimal and generation in progress, I must daily set my thinking in a direction of creation. I don't think I am the only one to be in this place right now. Nor do I think looking down upon myself for being in this position does any good either.

I am reminded of wisdom I learned when I was really involved with Landmark Education (www.landmarkeducation.com). That after one has completed any problem with any issue such as relationships, job, money, home, anything, that there gets created a space of 'nothingness'. And in a space of nothingness exists all possibility.

With the completion of the Bush/Cheney presidency and the beginning of another. President Obama and Vice President Biden now have a tremendous opportunity to fulfill on their campaign promises of a brighter future for this country and also the world. And so 2009 is ushered in to us on the wings of the condor.

So with that said I will continue to allow the universe to provide for me whatever I need. May you do so as well.

In love and light~


More on 2012 and then some

So I was compelled to get out of bed this morning at 8:00am this morning. Which I found a bit curious since Sarah and I didn't get to bed until 2:00am this morning. We had to watch some comedy on youtube after watching I am Legend. I figured there was something I was to find as I open up my computer. Well sure enough I came upon a recent interview with David Wilcock on Coast to Coast.

David Wilcock will stretch your beliefs. And I suppose for those who actually find this blog this will be indicative of those who have open minds. So you you brought this information to you by just being here. If you haven't heard David before I have to tell you that your current paradigm of life will be challenged. With that said - Enjoy!

So anyway here is a link to the first part:

I'm actually still listening to this interview but I feel like there is delicious material not only about 2012 which is about half way through if you want to skip to it, as well as other fascinating ideas regarding our Universe.


Enter the Sacred Heart

It may sound a bit corny, however, it is my inspiration for the year. In my recent studies on consciousness and meditation, I've learned that being able to understand and access our hearts rather than our minds will bring us into harmony with the earth. So what I'm saying is that most Western people have been creating, designing, living, disciplining our children, ruling and managing people with this right brain mentality for hundreds of years. Well you can see where that has gone.

We've shoved genius' aside such as Nikolai Tesla who discovered transmitable wireless energy at no cost, other than cost for the machines and I suppose some maintenance.  Or we've just killed those who stood for a higher consciousness, MLK, JFK, and the like. No judgement though - things have had to go this way and we are blessed for the contrast of life experiences. This year things will change dramatically towards another perspective. You can call it left brain- emotional - or really it's from the sacred place of the heart.

So getting back to the heart... This year I've agreed to open my heart and give and receive love more than ever before.  I've begun to do some heart opening meditations and concentrating my yoga practice on heart opening postrures like Camel and Bridge pose. 

So those of you that have taken time out of your life to read this ---> Join me! Join all beings as we open our heart to one another. Share with me please what you are doing this year to open your heart more than ever before. Share with everyone you can. You must realize that by sharing it increases the power and influence of whatever you are creating.
Love and happiness to all!