
Demand more from yourself

After doing some research last night about history and the current state of our Western world I have found myself with much desire.

I wish to tell everyone about the fact that those of us who are working and paying taxes are slaves to the English Royals. All the evidence is there and I'm not going to convince you otherwise. I've done my research and now its time for you to do yours. Take a look at the Esoteric Agenda on YouTube, see who runs the IRS, Federal Reserve, and the CIA. Find out the real history of the United States and how its been high-jacked time and again.

Most of us live a lie that we've been taught to believe - that we are free. If we are free then why do we work so much and earn so little? I'm talking about the majority of the WORLD! Please look past your narrow view of life and see how many people in this world go without basic necessaries:  food, shelter, proper health care, water, etc. To most of us in the the developed world - Why do we work so much in jobs that don't make us happy to pay 20-30% of our wages to a government that is supposed to look after our interests?  There is clearly an abundance of resources on our planet to feed everyone, provide enough sustainable energy to everyone, provide adequate building and medical supplies; why do we fight wars that KILL PEOPLE in order to covet the resources that are then sold back to us at a profit by a select group of people? Resources are stolen from the people who live in countries that contain them, such as, oil, diamonds, gold and cheap labor - these are attained at the cost of human lives and the destruction of vital ecosystems.

So, are you free?

Do you have the freedom to do what makes you happy?

Are you free to follow your dreams, your heart, your passions?

Do you feel free right now to stop and sing a song of freedom, dance in your living room, go for a long walk in the middle of the woods?

Can you stop your mind long enough to listen to your breathing, listen to the sound that your house makes, listen to the sound on the street? Or are you too busy thinking about some nonsense or another that probably is something you've been thinking about over and over before.

Think something new! Consider you are NOT free! Consider you really have been a slave to this system. A system that feeds off your fear, greed, hatred, and continual belief that there are people at the top who are looking out for your interests - THEY ARE NOT -  Forget about it!

NOBODY BUT YOU is going to look out for your interests! This may sound messed up but I mean it! The only person who is most concerned about your happiness is always going to be you. The only person capable of knowing what makes you happy is YOU. Why would you really want to leave that up to somebody else to decide? Your freedom is in your hands.

I've come to a point in my own evolution to realize this. But there is another juncture when we have to work together to create a larger vision for ourselves that includes collective action. This is a jumping off point in which we step away from our own personal knowing to combine energies with our comrades. This part is very exciting indeed because we get to use our imagination. This exercise opens up the doorway to our true nature, our creative potential, our God-like nature. When we can realize that our thoughts are directing our reality and what we think actually becomes our physical reality we reach a critical point in our development.  This become possible when we mingle with others.

Step into this reality! Join us in a world that runs on creative expression instead of money and greed and domination.  Art and Pleasure become more important than making money. It really seems more sensible doesn't it? It makes what we're doing now sound silly, doesn't it? Why are we working so hard doing things that DON'T make us happy? CRAZY-ness!!!???



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